10 Gift Ideas Every Expecting Mother Would Really Use

The way baby showers have evolved with time and trends, so have the gifts associated with them. Although in our country, we don't have a system for a gift registry, people have become more conscious about sustainable living and avoiding fancy wasteful gifts.
If possible, you should ask the parents-to-be what they want for their soon-arriving little one or ask them even if you are gifting after the baby is born, it helps avoid receiving the same gifts and unnecessary hoarding and space wastage. Also, mindful gifting can assist parents with some of the expenses.
So if you have been putting a lot of thought into what to gift, here are some functional and really useful gift ideas for the expecting mother/ new mother. These gifting options will be definitely used.
1. Stroller - Stollers or Prams are a must-have for all parents. Strollers are multifunctional and a great gift. The uses it can be put to are more than just going out of the house or travelling. Stollers or Prams let the parents carry their child easily around the house for house chores. It comes with a safety harness so it can be used to rock them to sleep at times while the parents are watching tv in the living room. Discuss with parents-to-be and gift strollers that close like an umbrella in case they travel by flight, as airlines don't allow chair-fold prams till the aeroplane door. If its over budget, you can dutch with few friends and give it a joint gift.
2. Car seat - Although car seats are not compulsory in our country, it is a great investment for convenience and the safety of babies. Usually, the car seats can be converted into carry-cots too. Car seats come in handy in case a parent has to take the baby alone in the car. When converted to carry cots, these can be used to rock them, and easily carry babies around while going out.
3. Bed Railings - The most underrated and super useful item is bed railings. You might think the babies are too small to turn over or the pillows can protect them. In reality, the situation arises suddenly, and most parents are taken by surprise. Parents of babies between ages 3 months and 3 years unanimously voted that bed railings saved the kids from falling. When they learn to crawl and turn over, even in the case of shared sleeping they can fall down. You will be astonished to know how these little crawlers can find ways to reach the brink of the bed.
4. Play Gym - An extremely budget-friendly yet exciting gifts are play gyms. Made from colourful elements, these safe and attractive toys not only help in the development of babies but are a great distraction for small kids whose parents have other work to attend to. These gyms are usually placed on the floor and the baby can explore the patterns, and figures. Some higher-value gyms also have sound features. All in all, this is one gift that you can find for every budget.
5. Rattle Wrist Band - Easy-peasy small size gift idea for babies, which the parents would definitely use. These rattles come in different forms, colours, and materials, suitable for teething babies too. Always choose high-quality and baby safety-certified rattles as the babies tend to put them in their mouths.
6. Head Pillow - The shape of the baby's skull is a huge parameter for developmental reasons. A flat skull on the back of the head caused by the poor support of the head can affect brain development. Investing in a head pillow for babies can be a good way to make sure no parent has an excuse to forget it.
7. Diapers - There are too many diapers said no parent ever. The major portion of the expense for any parent is the diapers. Although it's a very unique and out-of-the-box idea, trust us the new mommies will bless you with this gift. You can ask the size if gifting after birth or if gifting at a baby shower the newborn size will work.
8. Pacifier Clips - Parents buy pacifiers themselves as it is a quiet personal choice but usually tend to forget to buy pacifier clips. The Pacifier clips are available in so many beautiful designs that attract the babies and also help prevent pacifiers from getting lost or falling on the floor and soiling.
9. Nail Trimmer - Gone are the days when basic nail clippers were used for babies too. Electronic, mirrored, magnifying glass and innovatively shaped nail trimmers for babies are trending. They are safer, easy to use and save the parents from the anxiety of hurting the baby. Great budget gifting idea for expecting or new moms.
10. Babysitting / Spa session - Last but not least, the most important thing a mother needs after the baby is born is some me-time, sometimes when she can relax guilt-free. If you really want her to feel happy, gift a spa or massage therapy session or a salon session while offering to babysit during that time. Not as a material gift, you can offer to babysit for a new mother or both parents while they can go out for a quick outing or do groceries with peace of mind, it can mean a lot to them.
These gifts can be given as a baby shower gift or later too. But having it planned and discussed with parents-to-be can be prudent so that they can plan what to buy and what not to.
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