9 Best Colourful Craft Ideas For Kids Doable At Home

With the schools up and flaring, the kids are as active as ever. Resuming school after a two-year gap has helped channel their overflowing energy into a constructive format. With the new school/ education regime (Read our blog on New Education policy 2020), the curriculum is combined with the focus on other developmental activities.
Having a stock of craft ideas for kids is necessary to keep them in the same active spirit throughout the day. The kids are omniscient, and it is crucial to offer them the right kind of craft activities that they enjoy and develop/ sharpen their skills.
With summers and vacations approaching, take the help of these craft ideas to keep your children engaged. More activities mean lesser screen time, a win-win!
Ceramic For All
Ceramic comes to the rescue for almost all age groups. Ask children to make coin holders, paper napkin holders or specially designed paperweights. Let your child/ren create artistic stuff they can share with you or others as a keepsake or gift to their friends. The most popular is coin change bowls. Everybody wants a place to keep coins and not lose them around the house. Cute, abstract shape ceramic bowls can be painted to make them more joyous!
Cloth Painting
All children love to paint. With summers and vacations, picnics are unquestionably on top of every child's mind. A little outing in the park or party in the apartment garden seems like a great idea. Why not let the children make their own linens with this super cool craft idea for kids. Let the children paint simple borders, flowers, or finger paint old bedsheets, cushion covers or cloth pieces usable as picnic mats or tableware. Give vegetables like bell peppers, potatoes, and ladyfinger. Dip the horizontal cross-section in paint and stamp on the table mats and napkins or handkerchiefs. It'll leave them ecstatic to have their own designed set of fancy linen.
Watermelon Bowling Game
Create your own bowling game with watermelon and waste plastic bottles at home. Ask the kids to colour the spare, non-used bottles (like cold drinks and mineral water bottles). Fill them quarters with water to keep them steady and put them in a bowling pattern. Use watermelon to roll like a ball and see the kids enjoy their homemade bowling game. Painting, bowling cover the fun part and watching a watermelon roll shakily to the bottles will start a laughter riot!
Paper Plate Dream Catchers
Dream catchers are attention-seeking and mesmerizing decor items which every person can't resist buying. Make Dream catchers using paper plates, and let your children help with the decor! Cut a large hole in the paper plates in the centre from the convex portion. Make holes in the inside circle of the plate with a punching machine. Pass the craft threads through holes across the plate cavity to create a mesh (you can use different colours, thicknesses and glitters as per the choice). Add hangings like feathers, stars and moons and stick them up on bedposts, rooms doors!
Paper Rainbows
Rainbows have an aesthetic and calming effect. Make paper rainbows, add some clouds, aeroplanes or raindrops and uplift the whole room into a happy, bright and playful place! You can paint rainbow strips or buy rainbow coloured paper sheets to cut strips of equal size. Draw a bunch of clouds and hang the rainbow stripes from the cloud to make a wall hanging, or make two large clouds and stick a rainbow connecting the two clouds and create a wall piece. An easy craft idea for kids that needs minimal effort.
Coffee Filter Art
Grab some coffee filters and make unique art into shapes. Cut uneven edges with scissors around the edge of the coffee filter. Make dots on the surface with non-permanent markers or sketch pens. Lay the filters over a container or around a cup, press and let it take a bowl shape. Now drizzle water with a paintbrush until the marker dots' colour starts spreading through the filter, creating an abstract look. Keep adding water drops until the filter is saturated. Remove it once it's dry and see beautiful art pieces that can be used to make wall decors, wall hanging, tassels, and much more.
Mosaic Art
Toddlers love cutting paper and sticking them. Stickers are their favourite activity. Draw their favourite images like an animal or a vehicle. Mark colours to be used on specific parts. Now hand over old magazines or illustration books and ask them to cut tiny pieces of different colours matching the ones on the drawing and paste them into the right colour. A perfect mosaic art will be ready to add to your child's craft idea collection.
Pom pom Craft
Pompoms are adorable. Buy them from the market in multiple colours to create beautiful craft ideas. Make an ice cream stick, a floor mat, dreamcatchers, and the list is endless. Pasting the pompoms in clusters over unique things can give a colour blast and look cute too. You can also make scenery using pompoms on a canvas and keep it on an easel as a painting.
There are unlimited sources to craft ideas, if you have toddlers who love cutting, just hand over paper-cutting scissors for kids (Magical scissors that cut only paper and nothing else) and let them make a mess. If mosaic art is too technical for them, give them old newspapers, let them cut small pieces and stick them to walls or boards with water.
Craft is about imagination, and imagination has no limit!
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